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中英语-英语单词student/ undergraduate /graduate /postgraduate辨析

日期:2020-12-08 11:16:46
最新资讯《中英语-英语单词student/ undergraduate /graduate /postgraduate辨析》主要内容是WHICHWORD?词语辨析student/ pupill/ undergraduate /graduate /postgraduateA sudent is a person who is studying at a school,college,university.-中英语,现在请大家看具体新闻资讯。

student/ pupill/ undergraduate /graduate /postgraduate
A sudent is a person who is studying at a school,college,university.etc

until recently pupil was used for children at school, but this is becoming old- fashioned and student is used instead.except for young chilren

* student指在校学习的学生。英国英语直到最近才不用pupil指小学生,该词现已开始过时,除很小的孩子外,学生一般都用student。

An undergraduate is a student who is studying ttheir first degree at a university or college

* undergraduate指大学里攻读学士学位的学生。In BrE, a graduate is a person who has complete
a first degree at a university or college. In Ame

graduate is usually used with another noun and can also apply to a person who has finished high school.在英国英语中,graduate 指大学本科毕生。在美国英语中,graduate通常与另一名词用,亦可指中学毕业生: a high school gradual中学毕业生。a graduate student研究生
A postgraduate who has finished a first
degree and is doing advanced study or research

This is the usual term in Bre but it is formal in
AmE and graduate student is usually used instead

通常用graduate student取代。

