
位置:云林新闻励志网 > 经典语句 > 祝福的英语-英语口语:小年到啦,过年用英语怎么祝福呢?


日期:2020-03-24 13:27:42


吉星高照 may fortune smile upon you

新春快乐 happy Chinese New Year

一帆风顺 wish you every success

二龙腾飞 two dragons soar

三阳开泰 auspicious beginning of the New Year

四季平安 peace and safety all year round

五福临门 the five blessings have descended upon the house

六六大顺 everything goes smoothly

七星高照 seven stars shine brightly

八方来财 fortune comes from all directions

九九同心 the whole universe united in one heart

十全十美 be perfect in every respect

百花齐放 all flowers bloom together

财源广进 may a river of gold flow into your pockets

万事如意 hope everything goes your way

岁岁平安 may you start safe and sound all year round

名列前茅 always come first in examinations

鹏程万里 have a bright future

风调雨顺 timely wind and rain bring good harvest

国泰民安 wish our country flourish and people live in peace

龙马精神 as energetic as a dragon and a horse

年年有余 may there be surplus year after year

恭喜发财 wish you prosperity

百尺竿头 make still further progress

花好月圆 blooming flowers and full moon - perfect conjugal bliss

阖家幸福wish your entire family happiness

心想事成 may all your wishes come true

步步高升 wish you get a promotion

万象更新 everything takes on a completely new look

蒸蒸日上 wish you become more prosperous every day

出入平安 wish you safety wherever you go

笑口常开 wear a smile often

学习进步 make progress in your study

生意兴隆 wish you a booming business

工作顺利 everything goes well with your work

龙凤呈祥 prosperity brought by dragon and phoenix

生龙活虎 full of life and energy

吉祥如意 good fortune

鲤鱼跃龙门 get rapid promotion
