帕坦伽利说:体式带来身体之完善、形态之美、优雅、活力与简明,带来金刚石的坚硬与灵透。他对瑜伽的基本定义是:“Sthira surham asanam”, Sthira的意思是牢固、坚定、强韧、持久、永恒、宁静、平和与淡定。Surham的意思是喜悦、安适、慰藉与极乐。Asanam在梵文中是体式的复数形式。我曾把上述经文翻译为:“体式乃身体之强健完美,智性之恒久如一,以及灵性之仁爱慈善。”
1、Asanas penetrate deep into each layer of the body and ultimately into the consciousness itself.
2、You have to fine out your own limitations. That is what yoga teaches:first to know your limitations, then to build from them.
3、When you begin yoga, the unrecognized pains come to the surface. When we are able to use our intelligence to purify our bodies, then the hidden pain are dispersed.
4、You cannot look into your mind with your eyes. In asana the eyes should be active to adjust the asana, but in breathing the ears are important in order to listen to the sound of mind’s vibration and adjust its harmony…The sound of the mind’s vibration can be perceived only by the ears. This is the penetration of introspection.
5、Practise asanas by creating space in the muscles and skin, so that the fine network fo the body fits into the asana.
6、The study of asana is not about mastering posture. It is about using posture to understand & transform yourself.
7、Notice your eyes as well, as you hold the stretch. Tenseness of the eyes also affects the brain. If the eyes still and silent, the brain is still and passive. The eyes should be soft and sunk in.
8、Asanas are based on the three basic human postures of standing, sitting, or lying down. But they are not a series of movements to be followed mechanically. They have a logic which must be internalized if the posture is to be practiced correctly.
9、Asanas, one of yoga’s most significant “tool”, help the sincere student develop physically and spiritually. The ancient sages believed that if you put your whole heatt into your practice, you become a master of your circumstances and time.
10、I would like to practise yoga till my last breath, as a humble service to yoga. My only wish is to prostrate before God, surrendering my last breath in a yogic posture.