
位置:云林新闻励志网 > 经典语录 > 言客英语-谁言再念别,忽若千里行——英语词汇辨析


日期:2020-09-12 03:33:39
最新资讯《言客英语-谁言再念别,忽若千里行——英语词汇辨析》主要内容是These adjectives mean not leading by a direct or straight line or course to a-言客英语,现在请大家看具体新闻资讯。

indirect, circuitous, roundabout

These adjectives mean not leading by a direct or straight line or course to a destination.


Indirect implies a deviation from the shortest route between starting point and destination:

Indirect 暗指偏离起点与终点之间的最短路

Sometimes taking the indirect path saves time. 有时不走直道反倒可以节省时间。

Circuitous suggests a twisting or winding and lengthy course: Circuitous 表明弯曲或环状的长路:

We had to take a circuitous route because of an accident on the turnpike. 由于收费公路上发生了事故,我们不得不走一条弯路。

Roundabout implies taking a course that circles: Roundabout 暗指所走的路成圆环形:

I chose a roundabout road to avoid the rush-hour traffic. In their extended senses the terms are applied to something that is not open and straightforward; they sometimes imply an effort to evade or deceive: 我绕了个圈,以避开高峰时的车流。 这些词具有引申义,用以指那些不公开的或不直截了当的事物;它们有时也指那些掩盖事实或欺骗别人的努力:

“Persecution is a bad and indirect way to plant religion” (Thomas Browne).

“压迫是宗教产生的一个坏的间接原因” (托马斯·布朗)。

His explanation was circuitous and puzzling. 他的解释在兜圈子,让人费解。

“I heard in a roundabout way that she's going to marry an old neighborof theirs” (Arthur S.M. Hutchinson).

“我间接地听人说起,她要嫁给他们过去的一个邻居” (阿瑟·S·M·哈钦森)
