- 这辈子唯一拿不起放不下的就是——筷子
- The only thing that can't be held in life is chopsticks.
- 天要胖我 不的不胖
- The sky is fat, I am not fat.
- 幸福就是 美食在锅 好友想念 不问明天
- Happiness is food, and friends do not want to ask tomorrow.
- 以前喝口汽水美滋滋 现在长大了需要喝五瓶啤酒
- I used to drink soda pop, and now I need five bottles of beer when I grow up
- 恋爱可以慢慢谈 肉必须趁热吃
- Love can talk slowly. Meat must be eaten while hot.
世间万物皆可负 唯美食不可辜负
Everything in the world can be eaten without food.