
位置:云林新闻励志网 > 励志名言 > 翻的成语-2019年词汇|《牛津词典》2019年度词汇:“气候紧急状态”


日期:2020-01-22 22:48:06

对2019年的总结,全球各大词典的关注点似乎都与“气候”有关系。《柯林斯英语词典》的2019年度词汇是“climate strike”(气候罢工),而另一家权威的英语词典,《牛津英语词典》的年度词典也与气候有关,选择的是“climate emergency”(气候紧急状态)。

在英国《卫报》的报道中,文章直接点明,“气候”(climate)已然成为年度最热闹的词汇,毕竟,在过去一年里,西方社会因为气候问题,暴发了严重的社会抗议,年轻人站出来,以罢工(global youth climate strikes)甚至极端的行为(massive civil disobedience ),要求政府更加重视气候变化造成的后果。


Oxford Dictionaries has declared “climate emergency” the word of the year for 2019, following a hundred-fold increase in usage that it says demonstrated a “greater immediacy” in the way we talk about the climate.


Climate emergency的意思是:

a situation in which urgent action is required to reduce or halt climate change and avoid potentially irreversible environmental damage resulting from it



the words soared from “relative obscurity” to “one of the most prominent – and prominently debated – terms of 2019.”



the choice was reflective, not just of the rise in climate awareness, but the focus specifically on the language we use to discuss it. The rise of “climate emergency” reflected a conscious push towards language of immediacy and urgency, the dictionary said.


In 2019, “climate” became the most common word associated with “emergency”, three times more than “health emergency” in second.


In May, the Guardian updated its style guide to clarify that “climate emergency” or “global heating” would be favoured over “climate change” or “global warming” – to better reflect the scientific consensus that this was “a catastrophe for humanity”.





“Scientists have a moral obligation to warn humanity of any great threat,” said Thomas Newsome of the University of Sydney, one of the report's authors, in a statement. “From the data we have, it is clear we are facing a climate emergency.”


In 2018, climate did not feature in the top words typically used to modify emergency, instead the top types of emergencies people wrote about were health, hospital, and family emergencies,” the selection panel said. "But with climate emergency, we see something new, an extension of emergency to the global level.


《牛津英语词典》编辑Katherine Connor Martin则对《纽约时报》表示

When we were looking through the evidence, it was just clear that issues relating to the climate were running through all the different lexical items we were working with. It reflects it was a real preoccupation of the English-speaking world in 2019.



In 2019, climate emergency surpassed all of those other types of emergency to become the most written about emergency by a huge margin, with over three times the usage frequency of health, the second-ranking word.

在2019年,“climate emergency”超过了其他所有类型的紧急状况,成为出现次数最多的一个词,并领先地特别大,是位居次席的“紧急健康状况”一词的三倍以上。

从以往的年度的词汇可以看出,《牛津词典》在选择年度词汇时,关注的主要要是这些词“反映过去一年的社会思潮、气氛或关注点”,并且应该“具有持久的文化意义(reflect the ethos, mood, or preoccupations of the passing year” and should have “lasting potential as a term of cultural significanc)”。

不过,与环境有关的词汇并不是第一次成为牛津词典年度词汇。在2007看,“carbon footprint”就在牛津词典英国年度词汇表上拔得头筹,而此前一年,2006年的美国版里,'carbon-neutral'成为第一。


Climate action/气候行动

Actions taken by an individual, organization, or government to reduce or counteract the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, in order to limit the effect of global warming on the earth’s climate

Climate crisis/气候危机

A situation characterized by the threat of highly dangerous, irreversible changes to the global climate

Climate denial/气候否认

The rejection of the proposition that climate change caused by human activity is occurring or that it constitutes a significant threat to human welfare and civilisation


Extreme worry about current and future harm to the environment caused by human activity and climate change


Destruction of the natural environment by deliberate or negligent human action


The fact or process of a species, family, or other group of animals or plants becoming extinct

Flight shame/飞行耻辱

A reluctance to travel by air, or discomfort at doing so, because of the damaging emission of greenhouse gases and other pollutants by aircraft

Global heating/全球热化

A term adopted in place of ‘global warming’ to convey the seriousness of changes in the climate caused by human activity and the urgent need to address it


A target of completely negating the amount of greenhouse gases produced by human activity, to be achieved by reducing emissions and implementing methods of absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere


(Of food or a diet) consisting largely of vegetables, grains, pulses, or other foods derived from plants, rather than animal products


