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日期:2020-02-27 02:41:33

would you mind passing me a cup, please? 请问你介意递给我一个杯子吗?

He works eight hours a day and seven days a week. 她每天工作八小时,每周工作七天

Try a third time if you fail again. 如果你再次失败的话,就尝试第三遍

This meeting was a great success. 这次会议取得很大的成功

The book on the desk can't be mine. 桌上的书不可能是我的。

The plan we discussed is approved by our manager. 我们讨论的计划被经理批准了。

The book is about history and the magazine is about the latest faashion. 那本书是关于历史的,那本杂志是关于最新的流行时装的

The moon looks extremely fantastic against the night sky. 在夜晚天空的映衬下,月亮看起来格外迷人

The computer has become an important part of our life. 计算机已经成为我们生活的一个重要组成部分

She is always the first to arrive at the work place. 她总是第一个到工作地点

The Greens have gone to Beijing for holiday. 格林一家到北京度假去了

Look, she is playing the piano in the living room. 看,她在客厅里弹钢琴

It's our family tradition to have a walk in the evening. 晚上散步是我们家的传统

Love can be appreciate by time. 爱能够被时间铭记

He was elected chairman of the Students' Union. 他被选为学生会主席

We will go for our picnic by bus. 我们乘车去野餐

He is going to travel around on the train 他打算乘火车四处旅游

Their friendship started in the winter of 1990. 他们之间的友谊开始于1990年

The head of our school is Mr. Yan. 我们学校的校长是闫先生。
