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日期:2022-11-24 10:47:38















Pavilion of Prince Teng order

Wang Bo (Tang)

Yu Zhang is a county and Hongdu is a new government. The stars are divided into wings, and the ground is connected to Henglu. The three rivers lead to the five lakes, while the brawny Jing leads to Ouyue. Wu Hua Tian Bao, dragon light shoots at the market of cattle fighting; People are outstanding, Xu Ru went down to Chen Fan's couch. In the mist of Xiongzhou, the stars are gathered and galloped. At the turn of the summer, the two sides have made the most of the beauty in the southeast. Yan Gong, the commander-in-chief, looked at him with elegance, and his halberd came from afar. Yuwen Xinzhou's Yi Fan is temporarily in residence. A ten-day holiday is like a cloud of friends. Thousands of miles to ingratiate themselves, weddings. Teng Jiao and Qi Feng, the Ci Zong of Meng Xueshi; Zidian Qingshuang, General Wang's armory. Jia Jun is the butcher, and Lu is a famous area. How do you know the boy, bow every win farewell dinner.

It was in September and belonged to Sanqiu. The flow of water was exhausted and the cold pool was clear. The smoke was setting and the mountain was purple. Yanyan Zhui was on the road, visiting the scenery in Chonga. Cheung Chau, near Di Zi, is the old pavilion of heaven and man. The mountains rise above each other and rise above the clouds. Feige Liudan, no place to go. He Ting Fu Zhu, haunted by poor islands; Guidianlan Palace, namely, the mountain range.

Embroidered, carved, and carved, the mountains were full of vision, and the rivers were full of horror. Lu Yan saved the land and was the home of Zhong Ming and Ding Shi. Ge ship Mijin, the green finch Huanglong outfits. Cloud sells rain Ji, choi che district Ming. Rosy evening clouds and lone ducks fly together, the autumn river shares a scenic hue with the vast sky. Fishing boats sing late, ringing the shores of poor Peng Li; Yan zhen was shocked by the cold and broke the Hengyang River.

The distance between the front and the back is smooth, and the ease and excitement are flying. The wind is fresh when the wind is fresh, the fine songs are condensed and the white clouds are stopped. The green bamboo in Suiyuan is the bottle of Peng Ze. Ye Shui Zhu Hua, the pen of lighting Linchuan. Four beauties make two troubles. I can't wait to see it in the middle of the sky. I can't wait to enjoy it in my spare time. The sky is high and the earth is wide, and the universe is infinite. When one is full of sorrow, one knows how many are full of emptiness. Looking at Chang 'an under the sun and Wu Hui in the clouds. The terrain is extremely deep to the south and the sky column is high to the north. Who grieves for those who have lost their way? Meet by chance, is full of foreign guests. The Emperor Huai has disappeared. When will the Xuanshi be served?

What a pity! Bad luck, bad luck. Feng Tang is easy to grow old, but Li Guang is difficult to seal. Qu Jiayi was not without a holy Lord in Changsha. Is it not too late to flee to the sea in Liang Hong? It depends on the gentleman to take advantage of the opportunity and the talent know life. When you are old and strong, would you rather move your mind to a white head? If you are poor and strong, you will not lose your ambition to rise to the top. When drinking from a greedy spring, you will feel refreshed. When you are dry, you will still be happy. Although the North Sea is on credit, it can be picked up at a high speed. East languishes in exile; Sang Yu Fei is late. Meng taste noble and pure, spare patriotism; Ruan Ji's rampage is not worth crying about!

Bob, a scholar, has a life of three feet. There is no way to apply, such as the final army weak crown; With a pen in his arms, he admires Chang Feng of Zong Yun. Shezan Wat is 100 years old, and he is faint in the morning and thousands of miles away. It is not the precious tree of Xie's family but the neighbor of Meng's family. He is becoming more and more court-bound. He is always right with carp. Today, I hold my hand and like to support Longmen. Yang Yi does not meet, caresses lingyun but cherishes himself. When the clock strikes, how can you be ashamed to play the flowing water?

Woo hoo! Resort is not often, feast is difficult to again; Lanting is over, Zize Qiuxu. The parting words, luckily Chengen Yu Wei farewell dinner; Climbing a mountain to write a poem is what one hopes for. Dare to exhaust the despicable bosom, ready and sparse short lead; Every word is assigned, and every four rhymes are completed. Please sprinkle Pan Jiang, each pour sea cloud:

Teng Wang, Gao Ge, Linjiang Zhu, Pei Yu, Ming Luan, Ba Song and Dance.

The picture building flies towards Nanpu Cloud, and the bead curtain rolls up the rain on the western hills at dusk.

The shadows of the clouds and pools linger on for a long time, and things change from star to star for several years in autumn.

Where is the emperor's son in the cabinet today? The Yangtze River flows freely outside the sill.
