Dan, wherever you go, I hope you still, first of all, you still remember us. Okay. It's particularly me. remember this team, we are always gonna be, remember the days that we had, the difficult times that we overcome together, the laughter that we shared and all of the journeys that we experience as one team together in the past three years. But most importantly, have fun in your life, enjoy your time more with family, and then just lead a happy life.
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天下无不是之筵席,临别赠言如何优雅地流露出你的依依不舍,快来看看吧! Dan, wherever you go, I hope you still, first of all, you still remember us. Okay. It's particularly me. remember this team, we are always gonna be
天地万物与我并生,类也。类无贵贱,徒以小大智力而相制。------《列子·说符》 译文: 万物与我一起生活在天地间,大家都是生灵中的一类。各类之间没有贵贱之分,只不过因为力量大小、